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    2. 面試英語:沒工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)怎么辦


        I don't think I've ever had relevant experiencefor any job that I've worked in the past 11 years. Asa result, I've come to believe that the experience youdo have is more relevant than you may think. Pastjobs have always helped inform my choices at future jobs, and none of the experience was everuseless. If you have experience in something, that may be all you need. Here are myrecommendations:


        Find Relevant Experience You Didn't Realize You Had


        First, figure out a way to use any experience you do have to seem more relevant to thejob at hand. I once used a technical support job to get a job on a film set. It's possible to focuson certain aspects of a position while still being honest. Think about what you did at your pastand/or current job and concentrate on the days you enjoyed the most. Chances are there's atleast one project that you worked on that has some relevance. On your resume, and in yourinterview, be sure to focus on that. If you can make it a good story and speak passionatelyabout the work, it will go a long way.


        Create Your Own DIY Experience


        If you have no official experience it's great if you've got sample work you've done on yourown. If you've ever been to art school, you know that half the reason you go is to create aportfolio. If you want to get into graphic design, you need to have examples of your work. Youdon't need to be employed to design a web site, so mock up some relevant designs and usethose as your work samples. If you want to write for a blog, create your own blog so you havewriting samples. Even if the job you want isn't necessarily creative, you can still do work thatcan help you. You might think you can't, but let's pretend you want to be a tax accountant.While you technically could do a bunch of fake taxes, you could also do taxes for your friendsand your parents. Not only will this give you real experience, but it'll demonstrate to yourpotential employer that you have enough passion for the job. If I were hiring an accountantto do my taxes and knew they enjoyed it so much that they were willing to do it for free, I'dbe excited to have them on my team. The simple point is this: you can easily give yourself a legup by practicing and creating experience. You don't need anyone's permission, and you don'thave to be employed to do it.


        Get an (Unpaid) Internship


        If you can, I would recommend starting with an internship. Seek out companies you'dwant to work for and try to become an intern even if they've never had an intern before. Offerto work unpaid for 3-6 months and then push for a job as soon as you feel they can't livewithout you. If you can't afford to work without pay right now, either save enough money untilyou can or just offer to work a few days a week and find a paying (and likely crappy) job tohandle your bills. This can be a rough road and it will wear you down, but it's onlytemporary. If you're a great worker and they don't want to lose you, they'll find a way to keepyou around.


        Get an In-Person Interview and Be Charming


        Finally, do whatever you can to get an in-person interview. Once you're in you need tothink of your interview more like a first date. Be charming, be interesting, and be hopefuland idealistic. Smile often. Be kind. If they interviewer likes you and feels you're a hardworker, your experience is basically irrelevant. People make hiring decisions based on their gutand pretty much ignore what's on paper. If you can get into a room with someone and theylike you, then you will have no trouble getting the job.


      上一篇:面試英語:肢體語言是如何讓你更受歡迎的? 下一篇:盤點(diǎn)世界500強(qiáng)刁鉆古怪的面試題目

